Update with the upstream repository

Flavour by sgilroy

Bash only

In the terminal change to the repository's directory

cd /path/to/checkout

Add the appropriate project's upstream

git remote add upstream git://github.com/jenkinsci/jenkins.git

Optional refresh the upstream's data with

git fetch upstream




IntelliJ IDEA

Add the remote origin via shell.

Click Version Control -> Git -> Pull Changes

For Remote, select upstream (default is origin)

Check the box next to master.

Click Pull.


Click Repository -> Repository Settings -> Add.

Name and fill the upstream url, e.g. upstream and git://github.com/jenkinsci/jenkins.git.

In the sidebar on the left side, choose the remote upstream fetch it data. Alternatively, choose Fetch (all) in the menu.

Right click on the master (or other branch) of the remote upstream and choose Pull upstream/master into master.

You should get all changes from the main repository. If there are any merge conflicts, you should be prompted to resolve them manually.